The depth of discharge impact on battery life

First of all, we need to know what is the deep charge and deep discharge of the battery. During the use of the TORCHN battery, the percentage of the battery’s rated capacity is called the depth of discharge (DOD). The depth of discharge has a great relationship with battery life. The more the depth of discharge, the shorter the charging life.

Generally, the discharge depth of the battery reaches 80%, which is called deep discharge. When the battery is discharged, lead sulfate is generated, and when it is charged, it returns to lead dioxide. The molar volume of lead sulfate is larger than that of lead oxide, and the volume of the active material expands during discharge. If one mole of lead oxide is converted to one mole of lead sulfate, the volume will increase by 95%.

Such repeated contraction and expansion will gradually loosen the bond between the lead dioxide particles and easily fall off, so that the battery capacity will be attenuated.Therefore, in the use of the TORCHN battery, we recommend that the depth of discharge does not exceed 50%, which will effectively prolong the battery life.

Post time: Aug-22-2023